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Personalized Depression Treatment

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Personalized Depression Treatment





Note to students

Please edit the below to be project specific.

Maintenenance Policy

Overview of policy goes here, an example is below

Our maintainance policy is primarily focused on ensuring that our data remains available for use as long as possible. We will never change the name of our ontology or its URL. This will ensure that references to our ontology will always be valid and that we will not break applications that may come to rely on our ontology in the future. Any future changes to the ontology will be appropriately documented both in the headers of the ontology itself and in accompanying documentation. Future versions of the ontology with “breaking changes” will be hosted at new URLs so that previous versions of the ontology continue to be available.

Getting Involved

Please mention plans for future work here and enlist the emails of team members

There are several places where the project could expand. Different types of expansion include encoding measurement information, adding other common types of allergies and dietary restrictions, expanding the food classification, adding recipes and ingredients, and improving the inference of substitutions. If you are interested in contributing to the WhatToMake project or have any other ideas or suggestions, please contact us at the emails below: